Personalized medicine starts with personalized diagnostics.

Decentralized diagnostics performed at point-of-care provides unique advantages:

Faster results and immediate decision-making

Point-of-care personalized diagnostics provide real-time results, allowing healthcare providers to make informed decisions promptly. This rapid turnaround time can be critical in emergency situations or when timely interventions are required to optimize treatment outcomes.

Early detection and prevention

Point-of-care personalized diagnostics can facilitate early detection of diseases and conditions, allowing for timely interventions and preventive measures. Identifying risk factors or genetic predispositions at the point of care enables healthcare providers to implement appropriate preventive strategies, potentially averting the development of serious health issues.

Diagnostics at remote and resource-limited settings

Point-of-care personalized diagnostics are especially beneficial in remote or resource-limited areas where access to centralized laboratories may be limited. These diagnostics can bring sophisticated testing capabilities to underserved populations, enabling better healthcare delivery in such regions. It also allows the diagnostics to be peformed in such settings as small clinics on cruise ships and resort hotels.

Integration with telemedicine

Point-of-care personalized diagnostics can seamlessly integrate with telemedicine and remote healthcare platforms. By transmitting diagnostic data to healthcare providers in real-time, telemedicine consultations can be more effective, allowing for immediate adjustments to treatment plans or necessary follow-ups.

Multiplexing capability, or simultaneous detection and analysis of multiple biomarkers or targets in a single test, offers additional unique benefits to point-of-care diagnostics:

Comprehensive assessment

High multiplexing enables the assessment of multiple disease-related parameters or factors simultaneously. This comprehensive evaluation allows healthcare providers to obtain a more detailed and accurate understanding of a patient's condition, leading to better-informed diagnostic and treatment decisions.

Enhanced accuracy and reliability

Performing multiple tests concurrently can reduce potential variations and errors that may occur when running separate tests. High multiplexing improves the accuracy and reliability of diagnostic results, leading to more dependable patient assessments.

Personalized and targeted treatment decisions

High multiplexing allows for the simultaneous analysis of relevant biomarkers, genetic variations, or disease-related factors that influence treatment decisions. This information supports personalized medicine approaches by tailoring therapies to individual patients' specific needs.

Enhanced patient outcomes

With multiplex personalized diagnostics available at the point of care, healthcare providers can better match treatments to individual patients, potentially leading to improved patient outcomes. Tailored interventions based on a patient's specific genetic makeup, biomarker profile, or disease characteristics can maximize treatment effectiveness and minimize adverse effects.


By consolidating multiple tests into a single assay, high multiplexing reduces the overall cost of diagnostic procedures. This cost-effectiveness is especially crucial in resource-limited settings or for widespread screening programs where budget constraints may be a concern.

Minimal equipment and space requirements

Multiplexing multiple tests into a single platform reduces the need for multiple pieces of equipment, making point-of-care diagnostics more feasible and practical, even in settings with limited resources and space constraints.

Research and data collection

High multiplexing in point-of-care diagnostics generates valuable data sets, contributing to research and advancements in personalized medicine and precision healthcare. Aggregated data from point-of-care tests can lead to a better understanding of disease patterns and responses to treatments across diverse populations.

Luna Diagnostic’s Quantum Dot Barcode technology combines the benefits of point-of-care diagnostics with the power of multiplexing in a low cost fully automated system:

Our universal diagnostic platform can bring comprehensive multiplex testing to a range of point of care locations:

  • Doctors' Offices / Walk-in Clinics

  • Cruise Ship Clinics

  • Travel Destination Clinics

  • Military / Field Hospitals

  • Patient Bedside

  • Remote / Rural Areas

  • Nursing Homes / Long Term Care Facilities

  • Veterinary Clinics