About Us

In Luna Diagnostics we harness the power of nanotechnology to advance clinical diagnostics and screening at point of care. Luna Diagnostic’s team of scientists is led by Dr. Warren Chan, who is one of the world’s leading experts in biomedical nanotechnology. Warren Chan was one of the first researchers to demonstrate the utility of using quantum dot nanoparticles for biomedical applications. Over the past 21 years of his research career in the University of Toronto Warren has been working to understand the interaction of nanomaterials with the biological environment and to perfect the nanoparticle design for use as unique biotechnology tools. Luna Diagnostics is now applying this expertise to develop innovative nanotechnology based diagnostic and screening solutions.

Our Vision

To ensure that no medical treatment is prescribed without a personalized clinical diagnosis.

Our Mission

To apply advanced nanotechnology engineering to create a highly multiplexed, rapid, simple and cost-effective point-of-care diagnostic and screening solutions to be used for clinical disease detection and treatment progress monitoring.

Personalized medicine starts with personalized diagnostics. High multiplexing, which is the ability to detect multiple biomarkers in the same test, is critical for guiding therapeutic decisions because it provides a comprehensive and detailed information about a patient's health status. Our aim is to bring the personalized diagnostics to point-of-care to directly provide a comprehensive diagnostic data at the place and time where the treatment decision is made. This will improve patient outcomes by facilitating earlier and personalized disease detection to help guide informed treatment choices.

Our Value

The value of Luna Diagnostics comes from our extensive expertise in the principles of nanomaterial engineering and in-depth understanding of interactions of these materials with biological systems. We apply this knowledge to develop novel diagnostic methods that enhance detection of molecular signatures of diseases. Our competence ensures accuracy and reproducibility of each one of our diagnostic products.

Leadership Team

  • Warren Chan, PhD

    Warren Chan, PhD


    Dr. Chan is a world leader in nanomedicine. Starting with his 1998 Science paper on nano-bioconjugates, he now leads a lab dedicated to characterizing nanoparticle performance in vivo. Warren started Luna with Kyryl to open up his unparalleled expertise in nano to the world, provide custom nanoparticle solutions, and help push the field of nanomedicines forward.

    In addition to directing the scientific development of Luna’s technologies, he serves as Canada Research Chair in Nanobioengineering, Director of the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Editor of the top chemistry ACS Nano journal, and is a Founding member of the Nanomedicine Fabrication Center.

    Warren also took an active role in a number of technology translation business ventures in the past. As the company CSO, Warren applies his scientific and technology translation expertise to guide the strategic direction of Luna Diagnostics scientific technology development.

  • Kyryl Zagorovsky

    Kyryl Zagorovsky, PhD


    Kyryl completed his PhD studies in Warren’s lab in 2016 developing Luna’s core nanomaterial diagnostic technologies. After finishing his PhD, Kyryl has been overseeing business operations of Luna Diagnostic’s sister company Luna Nanotech. Luna Nanotech provides a range of nanomaterial and nucleic acid purification solutions for the biotechnology and biomedical research sectors. During Covid-19 pandemic Luna Nanotech supplied reagents and components for SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics to Canadian, USA, and European clients. Over the last 2 years Luna Nanotech has been steadily growing its products offering, increasing its customer base in Canada, as well as growing its international distribution network. Kyryl is now focusing on leading the development and growth of Luna Diagnostics and its core point-of-care diagnostic technology.

  • Mohamed Abdou Mohamed

    Mohamed Abdou Mohamed, PhD


    Mohamed finished his PhD studies in Warren Chan’s lab in 2018. Prior to his PhD studies, Mohamed completed a master’s degree in microbiology working with a range of infectious pathogens. Mohamed combines his expertise in nanotechnology and microbiology to lead the R&D activities of Luna’s core diagnostic platform.

  • Elif Seymour

    Elif Seymour, PhD


    Elif received her Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Boston University in 2015 where she developed and optimized a multiplexed immunoassay platform for the detection of Ebola, Marburg and Lassa viruses using a label-free optical biosensor. During her most recent position at Mount Sinai Hospital, Department of Microbiology, Toronto, she develped a colourimetric LAMP-based SARS-CoV-2 detection assay using gold nanoparticles technology. She is currently working towards developing a multiplexed quantum dot barcode immunoassay that targets SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A, and Influenza B viruses.